Timing Revelation Up-dates

Check this blog page for new articles posted or coming up, new end time events taking place relevant to understanding the times of revelation we live in and other items and issues to do with living in the end times.


Jul 25, 2024

Radio Show for July 28, Show #335, EndTimes, Prophecies and Politics.

Continuing on the Celebration of our 7th year of radio shows, here's another important blast from the past, this time to do with politics and our responsibility as Christians.

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Jul 10, 2024

Radio Show for July 14, Show #333, EndTimes, Prophecies and Communication.

Well here we are again with another golden oldie from “a blast from the past” in celebration of our 7th year of these radio programs. And this is another one that we we need to hear from time to time to keep us healthy in our communications with the Lord, with one another in the church, at home, and with the world around us...

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Jul 03, 2024

Radio Show for July 7, Show #332, EndTimes, Witness and Faith.

EndTimes, Witness and Faith. In keeping with the celebration of seven years of these Virtual Church for the Spiritual Unchurched programs, here's another golden one from 2018 that is worth re-visiting in these advancing end-times we are living in today... this one is about witness and faith. Here it is just as it was delivered then....

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Jun 27, 2024

Radio Show for June 30, Show #331, EndTimes, Prophecies and John 21:25.

There's a scripture in the Bible that I have always found to be intriguing and amazing, but that is not popular in the Church for whatever reason. I've never heard a sermon preached on it. I'm sure there must be one or two somewhere but I've never heard it at a church nor on radio or television. In this program today, I will revisit a show that I did way back in 2018 on this particular scripture of John 21:25.

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Jun 15, 2024

Cloud of witnesses from Hebrews 12:1, Part 2, (Follow-up on previous article)

Some time ago, I wrote an article on this issue of the cloud of witnesses from Hebrews 12:1 that I posted here on this web site. Since then I recently came across a video by a prominent and highly respected preacher and teacher of the Gospel, which I admire highly because of his knowledge of history and languages of the Bible. However, in this case, I find myself responsible to point out some misinterpretation within this video teaching of this important scripture that a lot of people are receiving as being correct. This article is a Part 2 of my earlier article and a follow-up of his video.

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Jun 15, 2024

Article: Women as Pastors and the Southern Baptist Convention

Here's the answer, as I see it, in brief, to the current issue of the proposed amendment to the Southern Baptist Convention's constitution to permanently ban women from serving as pastors.

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Jun 15, 2024

Radio Show for June 16, Show #329, EndTimes, Prophecies and Ezekiel, Part 3.

This program continues from part two of the vision and life of Ezekiel, focusing on the magnificence and awesomeness of the throne of God going on in the heavens. This is a real revelation of the awesome view, understanding and reality of the majestic throne of God, and elements of the chariots of God.

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Jun 06, 2024

Radio Show for June 9, Show #328, EndTimes, Prophecies and Ezekiel, Part 2.

This program continues from part one of the vision and life of Ezekiel, focusing on the magnificence and awesomeness of the throne of God going on in the heavens. This is a real revelation of the awesome view, understanding and reality of the majestic throne of God, and elements of the chariots of God.

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May 10, 2024

Radio Show for May 12, Show #325, EndTimes, Prophecies Blessings and Cursings.

This program is about warnings that we ought to heed from the great book of Leviticus, for us today.

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May 03, 2024

Radio Show for May 5, #324, EndTimes, Prophecies_World Issues

This program follows from last week's, but gets into world issues as we are witnessing around us and around the world today. It picks up as it was delivered years ago but with some updates from today towards the end...

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Apr 27, 2024

Radio Show for April 28, Show #323, EndTimes, Prophecies_Sinners Saved by Grace, Part 3

This program continues on the current series of the unlimited grace of God towards sinners.

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Apr 12, 2024

Show #321, EndTimes, Prophecies_Sinners Saved by Grace.

This is another blast from the past in celebration of the 7th year of these radio shows "Virtual Church for the Spiritual Unchurched". This program is a critical reminder that we are Sinners Saved by Grace, as delivered just a few years ago.

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Apr 05, 2024

Show #320, EndTimes, Prophecies and Prayer

Following the wonderful celebration of Easter or Passover as it is known in the Jewish tradition, this week I am revisiting a program from some five years ago that reminds us of the importance of prayer.

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Apr 01, 2024

Article: "What Was the Blood Type of Jesus Christ?"

There recently have been discussions on radio and television programs about the shroud of Turin. No one seems to have found out yet whether it is true or not. However a small piece of additional speculation was mentioned in some of the conversations which has to do with the blood type of Jesus Christ...

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Mar 29, 2024

Radio Show for March 31, Show #319, EndTimes, Prophecies_and_Easter_Passover.

This is a special program as we celebrate the wonderful Feast of Passover – or as we call it in the Christian faith – Easter.

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